The college is situated in an area that is quite underdeveloped and financially backward and most of the students belong to very poor families that find it very difficult to afford higher education. The situation is so grave that many of these students are forced to remain involved in various jobs to support their families financially. In spite of so many difficulties and barriers they have the urge to obtain higher education which makes us realize the need for an educational institution like Shishuram Das College in the region that fulfils the dream of these people. And, in contrary to the situation the academic results of our college are relatively good and are improving every year. The credit goes to dedicated and sincere faculty members for whom the academic interests of the students are of utmost importance. A cordial and healthy teacher-student relationship and a learners-friendly atmosphere constitute the motivating spirit for all the members of this institution.
While no compromises are made in so far as teaching is concerned the teachers are always ready to support and encourage the students in other extracurricular activities as well. Many distinguished and honourable teachers like Dr. Pranabesh Khan, the former Principal of Magrahat College(Political Science), Sri Haridas Gun, retired Teacher-in-Charge Fakir Chand College-Morning Section (English) have remained associated with us to educate our students without any honorarium.